Bulk Gallery Upload

Upload hundreds of product gallery images in minutes using zipped file and CSV.

Gallery images and image descriptions will be auto-assigned to appropriate products.

Install App to your Store

How does it work?

The app adds the additional tab “Bulk Gallery Upload” right to the Store control panel, where you can start uploading.

All you need is to authorize the app in your Store by giving it the necessary permissions.

How much does it cost for me?

The “Bulk Gallery Upload” app is free, but requires any paid plan to access API.

Quick help: how to prepare galleries (.CSV/.TSV/.TXT) and images (.ZIP)?

  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: export products
  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: edit CSV table
  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: ZIP images
  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: App tab on Dashboard
  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: Set options and import
  • Bulk Gallery Upload App for Store: Check results
  1. Export products to Tab-delimited .CSV (Product ID column is required).
  2. Edit .CSV file: add “gallery_image” and “gallery_image_title” columns (required).
    Fill cells with image file names and descriptions (“product_id” cell value is required to link gallery image with appropriate product).
    Save this .CSV as Tab-separated, Utf-8 encoded (Some programs saves this format with .TSV or .TXT file name extension).
  3. Add all gallery images to single .ZIP archive.
  4. Open “Bulk Gallery Upload” app in your Store Dashboard.
  5. Pick .CSV and .ZIP files, select options, and press “Import gallery images” button.
  6. Enjoy gallery uploading.

Still need help?

If you have a questions about the app please contact me.